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EVELTEK 猫 フードボウル 猫 えさ 皿 小型犬用 食器 ダイニング フードボール ペット食器-トランスペアレント


This is a set of plastic dish stand and PC bowl for your dog or cat. Since it is made by PC, it has a luxurious feel and is easy to maintain Food bowl is removable Rectangular box shaped top plate with round holes for food bowl to hold food and water Slanted Meal Rack To make it easy for small dogs and cats to eat, the bowl is placed high to reduce the burden on the neck and waist while eating, helping you eat more easily and enjoy meals The slanted plate of the food bowl is cut to prevent accidental ingestion when eating or drinking with your tongue and reduces the burden on your body Suitable for: Cats, ultra-small dogs, and small dogs

  • 商品価格:3,250円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)